Monday, April 13, 2015

After several plans falling through and many shifts in topic, I decided to finally settle on representing the ritualistic act of walking to my mother’s house from my dormitory at Lawrence. As a 'townie', the divide between my hometown and my college experience has always been a thin one. I see there being advantages and disadvantages in this – namely showering in a place that doesn’t make me feel like I need flip-flops (and seeing my mother, of course).

The route that I take back to my home has been one that I've taken since attending Edison Elementary. It is ingrained in my memory and has become representative of the transition back to the familiarity of my childhood home. Feelings of warmth and nostalgia become stronger with every step I take. The walk itself is often times a blur. I have taken that exact route so many times that no trip stands out in particular. Especially today, the trip home delves my mind deep into a meditative state – as corny as it sounds – as I subconsciously prepare for the shifting of worlds, from the social world of college to the domestic world of my childhood home. I count my steps, notice minuscule changes in the scenery around me and enjoy the change in the seasons as they come. The walk goes from a task that needs to be dealt with, to a welcome respite from the menial chores of the day. In this sense, the walk from ‘home to home’ transcends the mundane, instead acting as a necessary, medicinal aspect of my day-to-day existence. 

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